An Organic Beginning
Your Wings developed as the natural evolution of the totality of Kim’s life: the influences and traumas in her early life, her academic struggles and studies, and her work experiences. Kim first attended Indiana University and then upon her move to Santa Barbara, transferred to Antioch University, majoring in Psychology and Organizational Development. Her schooling had always been a confusing struggle, and finally while attending Antioch her life-
While still attending school, Kim received help writing her first grant and became the co-
Throughout her tenure of being director of non-
Kim’s Own, Unique Method
Mirroring her experiences in the business and non-
“I love what a wonderful tapestry the universe creates, once you’re able to see it.” –
Kim is devoted to her own her own healing. She never stops learning. Not only from others in the world of healing, but she learns from her patients as well. They continue to spur her forward to fine-
Today, Kim has helped thousands over the past 30 years to achieve their greatest potential. From her traumas as a young child, through her educational experiences, into the working world where she innovated and discovered , she came full circle to now help others with your carefully developed and crafted techniques to help others overcome their own “glass ceilings.” She has clients around the US, in three countries and is continuing to expand her practice.